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Become A Sustaining Member

Support the prop co-op with a donation or by becoming a sustaining member. 

$1,000/year = Sponsor the prop of your choice*, a listing of participating theatres' seasons*, and Special thanks.

$750/year = Sponsor the prop of your choice

$500/year = A listing of participating theatres' seasons

$250/year = A museum quality print of a photograph from the series "The Life of Everyday Objects" by local photographer Gary Dueher 


OR a 1 time donation of any amount is appreciated!

Donations can be made through SpeakEasy at the button below

*Sponsor the prop of your choice - Your name will appear in the online listing of your chosen prop and you will be notified when your prop appears on stage.


*Listing of participating theatres' seasons - Speakeasy Stage Company, Central Square Theatre, Hub Theatre Company, Entropy Theatre, Moonbox Productions, Beaver Country Day School, Studio Theatre, WPI Theatre, BU Theatre, Hanover Theatre Conservatory

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